Birthday Donation Reporting (The First Year)
We extend our deepest condolences to the people that have lost their lives as a result of the COVID19 virus. Our heart also goes out to the patients that suffer from the virus.
We wish to also express our deepest respect and gratitude to medical workers and others that are fighting on the front lines trying to stop the spread of the virus at this very moment.
During the 1st term of the Birthday Donation that we started last year with the concept to “Invest for the future by supporting the children now”, we have received donations as detailed below. We are truly grateful to all of you for your cooperation.
Please see the video messages created by the organizations that received the donations to get a direct image of how your donations have been used for the children.
Children that have been struggling under difficult circumstances are now facing an even tougher challenge under the COVID19 crisis.
We truly hope that your continuous support through this Birthday Donation shall give a strong message of encouragement to those children in need.
Total donations received : ¥10,839,715
※Including ¥531,500 donation received from the charity auction held at the Birthday Donation Charity Party on 6th July, 2019.
[Donations made by categories]
Support the living ¥4,555,105
Support the learning ¥2,075,450
Support foreigners in Japan ¥4,209,160
Number of donors: 235
Number of people that registered their birthdays: 268
※The 1st Term : 1st April, 2019 ~ 31st May, 2020
(Preopening period : 25th January~31st March, 2019)
Support the living
Carillon Children Center, social welfare corporation
Location: Tokyo
I am grateful for your donation to the Carillon Children Center.
We will be using your donation to create a new website containing information about our shelters for children so that we can reach out to the children that do not have a place to go to.
We wish to let the children that are struggling on their own know that there is a place they can escape to and to ask for help. We will continue to convey the message that they are not alone and that we are there to think about their problems together. Shelters for children are now expanding all across the nation.
Your help saves the lives of children and gives them a place to live. We would be grateful for your continued support.
Wakakusa Project, general foundation
Location: Tokyo
Thank you for your donation to the Wakakusa Project. We will be using your donation for “Wakakusa House” which is a shelter for girls that have lost a place to go to due to problems such as abuse or poverty.
Domestic violence and abuse are increasing amidst restrictions to stay home and rising economic uncertainties. The number of girls that have ran out of their homes and have no idea what to do are increasing as a result.
We have expanded out consultation capacity through LINE and have worked to find a place for these girls to go to other than the “Wakakusa House”, but strongly feel that we need to expand our support even further.
Stress within the society accumulating as a result of the COVID 19 virus is affecting the weakest the most. We truly appreciate your continued support for the girls.
Support the learning
Group to Create Public Junior High Night School in Fukushima
Location : Fukushima
Thank you for your thoughtful donation through Birthday Donation.
We believe that people that were not able to finish junior high school education due to various reasons during their childhood deserve the right to receive education.
Over the past 9 years, we have taken various initiatives in cooperation with the administration to create a public junior high night school in Fukushima. Instead of just waiting for the public school to be built, we have been operating a privately run Fukushima Station Junior High Night School to hold voluntary study groups for the people that wish to relearn. With your help, we wish to continue to spread the joy of learning together with our volunteer teachers.
Group to Create Junior High Night School in Okayama, general incorporated association
Location: Okayama
Group to Create Junior High Night School in Okayama is acting to secure the opportunity to learn for everyone that has the desire to study and to create a place to learn and grow together. Through our activities, we are even more convinced of the importance to create an environment to study again for all people, regardless of age or nationality, that had not been able to study sufficiently due to various reasons.
Our staffs that face the students help them study contents suitable for the requirements of each individuals. Thanks to your support, we are able to continue delivering hope to many people. We will appreciate your continued support for the Group to Create Junior High Night School in Okayama.
Support foreigners in Japan
Oizumi International Education and Technology Center, nonprofit organization
Location; Gunma
Thank you very much for your donation to our organization. We are truly grateful. As you can see in our video, our organization supports the education of children with foreign origin. In particular, we support Japanese language education for children that are going to Brazilian schools and general education for Brazilian children going to Japanese schools.
As a result of COVID 19, we are starting to see children that may not be able to continue with their school education as their parents lose their jobs amidst this economic uncertainty. We will use your donations to pay for costs that are essential in running our operation such as personnel and teaching material costs so that we can continue to secure learning opportunities for the children that shall be leading the future of Japan.
We will be grateful for your continued support.
YSC Global School (Youth Support Center), nonprofit organization
Location: Tokyo
The number of children with foreign origin has been increasing every year in Japan. On the other hand, there still continues to be a number of children that are deprived of the opportunity to learn Japanese despite their desire as the system is not in place to accept them. There are still many children that cannot learn Japanese even if they wish to.
We will make good use of your donations to provide Japanese language education and other educational support to those children with foreign origin that do not have sufficient access to education in Japan. It will be our greatest pleasure if you were to continue supporting our activities and the children with foreign origin living across the country.
Please click here to see the report for the present term.